“Unjudge someone” is the slogan for an innovative diversity program called the “Human Library,” which offers an opportunity for people to interview living “books” who come from unique life experiences.
Human Library “books” are people who have agreed to make themselves available for discussion about stigmatized experiences. The Human Library project puts a face on the headlines, allowing participants to begin to understand the experience of those who’ve been identified as “other.” All human “books” go through training to ensure a safe space is maintained. The program allows people who may otherwise never talk to one another to engage in conversation.
The day will begin with a talk by Shaun Smith, the founder, president and CEO of BlackPush. Following his discussion, attendees will sign up for 30-minute conversations with Human Library books.
This event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 1, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Gwinnett County Public Library.
The program is co-sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett and the Human Library project of Copenhagen, Denmark. For more information on the Human Library project, visit humanlibrary.org. For more information on the local Human Library event, please contact Kari Evans at kevans@gwinnettpl.org.