Featured image- Psi Omega Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority 2019 NYE Masquerade Ball Fundraiser to support youth scholarships. Peachtree Corners chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority will host a New Year’s Eve gala to benefit community charities.
How often do you get to have a good time while doing something good for the community? No matter what your answer, the Psi Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and its philanthropic arm, Georgia Pearls of Service Foundation (GPOS), hope you want to do it again — or for the first time.
The Peachtree Corners-based sorority is hosting its fourth signature fundraising event called “A Kaptivating Affair.” The New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball is designed to “unmask the face of homelessness and childhood hunger” in the area. The event is scheduled for 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Atlanta Marriott Peachtree Corners, 475 Technology Parkway NW.
Shortly after the city of Peachtree Corners was formed, the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority petitioned to charter a chapter there. Two years after the process began, it became of two AKA chapters in Gwinnett County. The women chose Peachtree Corners because it’s at the point where Gwinnett, Fulton and DeKalb counties come together, and they can expand their reach across county lines.
Strong community presence
In its eight years of existence, the sorority has been active in the community.
“We’ve been in the Christmas parade and inaugural parade,” said President Ora Douglass. “Any type of activities that they have, like the festival, we are a part of that.”

Douglass said that kind of visibility is important because “we do a lot of community service there. We work closely with the YMCA. I presently sit on the board of the YMCA and that has afforded us to do community service for children that are hungry and/or homeless.”
As much as the chapter does, they know that there is always more to do. That’s why, in 2018, they hosted the first New Year’s Eve gala.
“This will be our fourth ball that we have had in Peachtree Corners,” said Douglass. “We are just now coming off of the pandemic and it’s important that we’re getting out here to see what impact the pandemic has had on childhood hunger and homelessness.”
The sorority will be partnering with Peachtree Corners Elementary School to provide food for those children who are less fortunate.
“We’re very, very proud to be in Peachtree Corners because there is a perception that income levels are high when you see the price of houses in Peachtree Corners,” said Douglass. “But there are pockets of need in the area — and we can’t ignore them.”
Caring for children, families, students and even a road
In its quest to spread good works throughout the community, the AKA chapter has done a wide variety of things.
“We’ve adopted Peachtree Corners Circle all the way from down where the barbecue place is by 141, all the way to Peachtree Parkway,” said Douglass. “That’s 1.6 miles of roadway that we clean up, and we’ve done that for the eight years that we have been in existence.”
Douglass added that the stretch of road covers an area with apartments whose tenants often struggle to make ends meet.
“We find those people in need and try to help them by whatever means we can, and that’s what we use our funds for.”
That’s one of the reasons for the Dec. 31 gala. Douglass said the fundraiser allows GPOS to give back to the community.
“Although the pandemic has profoundly affected our community, GPOS has continued its service focus. This year, with support from the community, GPOS has awarded a total of $3,000 to the Robert D. Fowler YMCA, Norcross High School Foundation of Excellence, Peachtree Elementary School and Home of Hope at Gwinnett Children’s Shelter,” she said. “These organizations demonstrate excellence and the highest standards of integrity and civic and social responsibility.”
Throughout the years, GPOS has also awarded $22,500 to 17 students to further their education.
“We gave our first scholarship to a young man who is now the president of a major organization,” said Douglass. “And that was eight years ago.”
The chapter wants to give more scholarships so that more children can succeed. Once the new women’s shelter is online, that will be another area of need that the sorority aims to aid.
Even though AKA is made up of women, predominately of African American heritage, there are no restrictions on who can qualify for the scholarships or any of the other help.
“About half of those scholarships do go to young men,” said Douglass. “It’s based on need. It doesn’t matter if they are female or male. We are out here to serve everyone, all mankind. It doesn’t matter if you’re Black, White, Asian, Latino. Our service isn’t based on gender or race or anything besides helping people.”
Plan to attend
A Kaptivating Affair is an elegant evening that includes live music, a traditional New Year’s Eve meal, casino tables and a champagne toast at the stroke of midnight.
Saturday, Dec. 31, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
Atlanta Marriott Peachtree Corners
475 Technology Pkwy., Peachtree Corners
Admission: $85
Find details and tickets by searching for the event on Eventbrite.com. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/psi-omega-omega-and-georgia-pearls-of-service-foundation-inc-nye-gala-tickets-419362643957?aff=ebdssbdestsearch