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Chief City Marshal Edward Restrepo: Explore the Future of Community Policing [Podcast]

Get ready for our insightful podcast featuring Chief Marshal Edward Restrepo of the newly formed Peachtree Corners City Marshal Office. With your host Rico Figliolini

Discover the innovative approach of the Peachtree Corners City Marshal Office, acting as a dynamic “force multiplier” in law enforcement.

What’s more, gain exclusive insights into the cutting-edge law enforcement technologies they’re implementing—tools that are setting new standards beyond traditional police methods. Find out how community involvement and business support play a vital role in creating safer communities.

Information on the City Marshals:

Podcast Transcript:

Rico Figliolini 0:00:00

Hi everyone, this is Rico Figliolini with our new podcast, UrbanEbb. I have a great guest today, so welcome our chief city marshal here in the city of Peachtree Corners, Restrepo. Hey, Eddie, how are you?

Edward Restrepo 0:00:22

Good morning, Rico. Thanks for having me today.

Rico Figliolini 0:00:24

I appreciate you joining us. We’re doing this in the middle between Christmas and New Year’s, so people get a little understanding when this is being recorded. And before we get into the show, though, I do want to thank our sponsors for being part of supporting us, our journalism, our podcast, and the magazines. And that’s EV Remodeling, owned by Eli who lives here in Peachtree Corners and has a great company doing a lot of remodeling here in the city of Peachtree Corners as well as the external area. So is where you can visit them as well. Clearwave Fiber, that does a lot of Internet services for businesses. There’s over 1000 businesses, I believe, in Peachtree Corners that are serviced by them, if not more. They’re a southeast and national company handling Internet IT services for a variety of companies. So check them out. Clearwave Fiber is their company name. So now let’s get right down to it. You’ve been hired as chief city marshal for the city of Peachtree Corners. You joined roughly around November 13. So it’s been a little over six, seven weeks. How does it feel?

Edward Restrepo 0:01:33

I know you’ve been, just so people understand, you’ve been doing police work for quite a bit of time. A few decades there.

Rico Figliolini 0:01:41


Edward Restrepo 0:01:42

For 26 and a half years prior to coming here, I retired as a major over special operations with the Gwinnett County Police Department.

Rico Figliolini 0:01:50

I was looking at your resume. You have a variety of broad experience in theft, in homicide, in gangs, in drugs. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Eddie.

Edward Restrepo 0:02:04

Yeah, absolutely. So I am what you call one of those northern transplants. I was born in New Jersey, raised a little bit in the Yonkers. Then we came back over and kind of bounced around between the Lincoln Tunnel and George Washington bridge, all on that whole side of town, whether it was west New York, Fairview, New Palisades, Park, Ridgefield, that area.

Rico Figliolini 0:02:26

Talk about.

Edward Restrepo 0:02:27

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And so I was kind of the last holdout. Majority of my family had moved down to Georgia years and I decided to go further north. So I ended up going up to Boston for a couple years and beautiful city. Great. However, during that time, it was going to be difficult to get into law enforcement without prior experience or knowing people up there, it was just the way it is in Boston. And so I remember my brother giving me a call and saying, hey, it looks like they’re doing a lot of hiring out here in Georgia. You may want to come down here, and you may have an opportunity to get on law enforcement down here. So I did. I came down, I applied with several, and Gwinnett at that time seemed to be the right fit, kind of what I was looking for. Got hired on with them, and six and a half years later, here I am.

Rico Figliolini 0:03:13

Wow. So the city interviewed quite a few people, and when they decided to do the city marshal system, there was a lot of debate about what that would entail, what responsibilities you would have and stuff, and that the officers that being hired would be post certified. So for people that don’t know, they would be there. Obviously, you’re from Gwinnett police, so you’ve had a background in police services, but even the other two marshals are post certified. That means that they’ve been certified to be police officers. In effect, you are police officers, just with a different agenda, if you will, or guideline.

Edward Restrepo 0:03:51

Yeah, absolutely. We have all the same rights. Every police officer, for you to be certified in the state of Georgia has to have at least a minimum ten week mandate. However, all of us went through 26 weeks initially with the Gwinnett County Police Department. They tend to do almost double, almost triple the amount of training than other agencies, I guess you could say. At least the metro agencies tend to run their own academies and tend to do more advanced courses and things of that nature. So they came with 26 weeks entering, and then, of course, all the training that you get along the way throughout the years, when you branch off into specialized units and things of that nature, obviously, you get into a more specific category of training.

Rico Figliolini 0:04:34

So, of the experience that you have. So, give me a rundown, like a bullet list of the type of experience you have.

Edward Restrepo 0:04:39

Yeah, absolutely. So, when I started through the academy, you graduate, you go through your field training, and that could take anywhere from two to three months, and you’re riding with a more experienced officer, and they’re kind of showing you the ropes and get what you’ve learned in the academy and then kind of the practical side of how things work on the road. So you get through that. I think I tend to be. Well, at least I was told that I caught on very quickly, because within about a year or so, I became an FTO just because of how active I was being proactive out there, stopping cars, going out on suspicious people, making arrests, doing all those things. And at that time, there wasn’t a lot of bilingual officers. I think it was me and probably two or three other, and we were abused a whole lot, obviously, because there’s a big latino population here in Gwinnett. Even back, you know, we would get called upon to do interviews and talk, talk to witnesses and suspects, and I got to really get to know a lot of the guys in major felony and robbery and gangs, and I guess they took a liking to me. And so when those positions became available, I had built those relationships, kind of showed my fortitude for going after criminals. And so I was fortunate that pretty early on, I was selected to go to the gang unit, and then from there, robbery homicide, and then kind of everything kind of went through there. There’s kind of like a progression. You say as you go through your career, you get promoted. Sometimes you get to stay. Sometimes they want you to go back to the road and get that supervisor experience on the road. And then when positions open up back in those specialized units, because you have that experience, they call you back. And so you can see kind of through my bio that I would go be there for a short period of time in uniform and then go back and be selected to a specialized unit. And that was kind of my career path. Let’s say I was that go to guy when there was flare ups with serious crime issues. I was the guy that they would come to to try to resolve those things. And so I prided myself in and grabbed it and surrounded myself with a good group of people and went after the criminal is kind of why the whole reason we became police officers, right?

Rico Figliolini 0:06:48

Yeah. It takes a certain type of person to do that consistently and, well, certainly my respect goes out to you and your team. Latina. What, specific italian by heritage. Yeah.

Edward Restrepo 0:07:02

So both my parents are from Columbia, South America.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:05

Okay, so you’re first generation american.

Edward Restrepo 0:07:09

Yeah, I was born stateside. Yes, that’s correct.

Rico Figliolini 0:07:12

You’re joined by two other marshals, two other officers, same typical background.

Edward Restrepo 0:07:18

So everybody’s having a little bit different. I mean, we could start off with our deputy chief, Johnny Bing. Johnny Bing did 17 years with Gwinnett county. He did his post instructor. He was in detectives. So he has a lot of that investigative experience, and he also has that post instructor training, which is very important, especially for us, since all the training and everything we go through, we have to have someone in the bullpen that’s able to do all that, because there’s requirements when we take our training and how that has to be. And that’s all monitored and oversaw by post. And so to have him on the team is really good. A lot of his experience was in the realm of special victims, so elderly, child abuse, all those kind of not so great things. I helped out, but I kind of stayed away from that side of the house when it came to it. He did a great job at it, so he brings that level of experience. Henry Mesa did about seven, eight years. He started, like me, when he was 21, I believe. And he has a lot of background when it comes to community oriented policing, the community engagement. He also spent a fair amount of time, both at the precinct and in detectives doing a multitude of property crimes and persons crimes. So a lot of us have a lot of investigative experience, which with us just being three of us, it’s very important that we have that skill set.

Rico Figliolini 0:08:53

Yeah, for sure. Especially with the technology now that you guys are going to be working with or that you’ve actually been working with.

Edward Restrepo 0:09:01

Yeah, absolutely. That was one of the reasons that was here. Having the opportunity and getting the offer here in the city was just that when I was here as the major for two and a half years, that was one of the big things that I worked with. Brian and everyone else here at the staff was really promoting the flock and all the other technologies we’ve had and integrating them and really creating that ecosystem to where we have these tools that not only prevent, but in the event that a crime does have to be able to efficiently develop leads and get to catching the criminal and stopping the repetitious crime.

Rico Figliolini 0:09:40

I’ve heard from Brian that we’ve discussed it a few times on and off the podcast, that you all have been drawn into things sometimes where Gwinnett police might have had an incident happen, saying, we want you guys to be on the lookout for a particular car, might have a bullet hole in its windshield. Can you guys keep an eye out? And you guys have been tracking the real time tracking in some cases?

Edward Restrepo 0:10:03

Yeah, absolutely.

Rico Figliolini 0:10:04

Can you tell me a little bit about how that helps?

Edward Restrepo 0:10:07

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we have over 50 odd license plate readers in the city, and those were strategically placed in areas where we thought criminals would come in and out of the city. And so when there’s an incident, we’re able to go back to those look in those areas. If we have some nearby surveillance or witnesses that would be able to say, hey, this is what the car would look like, or this is what we believe, match it up, and then going back and looking at there and starting there with getting a vehicle.

Rico Figliolini 0:10:41


Edward Restrepo 0:10:41

And then you can hot list those vehicles. And that means anytime that vehicle is moving, we would get alerts. And then that’s helpful for us to be pretty strategic and purposeful when we want to stop that vehicle, who’s in it, and kind of just continue the investigation there.

Rico Figliolini 0:10:56


Edward Restrepo 0:10:56

So a lot of really good things there. So there’s that portion of it, and then there’s just other different softwares and databases that we’re able to access that help us develop leads. It’s very hard to stay off the grid nowadays. Everybody one way or another, unless you just pay straight cash every day, you could go down, drive down the road and get on your own ring camera, your neighbor’s ring camera, whatever. Right. I mean, it’s very hard today to be off the grid, I guess you could say, in the metro Atlanta area.

Rico Figliolini 0:11:32

I think if you’re out in Calhoun, Georgia, or somewhere, it might be a little easier. But even.

Edward Restrepo 0:11:37

Yeah, no, they’re starting to put up license plate readers. I mean, when you really look at mean, we’re all struggling when it comes to manpower, especially the bigger agencies. And so it’s one of those equalizers.

Rico Figliolini 0:11:47


Edward Restrepo 0:11:47

The technology cameras don’t get burnt out. They don’t call in sick. They’re always up and running. They don’t complain more that you can put those things out. Money eyes out there at all hours of the night. And then when something does happen, really do have something you could tap into and really move forward with generating a very.

Rico Figliolini 0:12:07

So how challenging is it? I know, for example, the form has added cameras. Form has had some issues a little bit with Lululemon. It’s been a national thing just because of the brand name robbery at the jewelry store there a few months ago, I think it was. So there’s more cameras being added, there’s more technology being added. So how do you filter that out? Because at some point there’s just a lot to work through.

Edward Restrepo 0:12:39

I’m sure you’re familiar, but one of the big things, there are certain priorities that I think we want to move forward and pretty aggressively with starting up the Marshall’s office and we have the Connect Peace Street Corners program.

Rico Figliolini 0:12:51


Edward Restrepo 0:12:52

And so we’re really urging both the business community majority for now and then residential at a minimum, to register their cameras with us.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:02


Edward Restrepo 0:13:03

The registering is, hey, I’m just going to let you know that I have a camera here. If something happens, here’s my information, you come knock on my door and I’ll provide it. And then where we say integration is they’re providing those exterior forward facing cameras on them to us for us to see and use those in our crime preventative. And as far as utilizing us to develop leads.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:26


Edward Restrepo 0:13:26

And so those are very big. That’s one thing that us coming on that we’re going to work really closely with the businesses, apartment complexes, hotels, extended stays, especially those areas where we have those flare ups where we just have more calls for service and repetitive things happen. So we want to kind of stay ahead of that. And so that’s where I think the Connect Peachtree Corners program is going to be.

Rico Figliolini 0:13:52

And I’ve noticed through conversations with Brian Johnson and some other people with the city and even some other local business people, like you mentioned some of the hotels, long stay hotels, where crime tends to happen, there may be some apartment complexes where there’s more crime than other places, they are beginning to add cameras to those locations. So more and more, with the cameras being added, not just licensed plate readers, but facial recognition to some degree. Right. Although the data is not kept.

Rico Figliolini 0:14:26

But there is a journey towards safety and towards solving crime. So when you’re dealing, when you were originally a police officer, now you’re a city marshal, there’s very different way that you have to operate. Do you still solve crimes, or are you part of the team that solves the crime with Gwinnett police?

Edward Restrepo 0:14:53

I think we’re a Complimentary.

Rico Figliolini 0:14:55


Edward Restrepo 0:14:56

Necessarily, you have to know Gwinnett is a very big agency.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:00


Edward Restrepo 0:15:00

And so maybe a priority for us and them may differ.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:05


Edward Restrepo 0:15:06

Because they’re worrying about the whole county.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:07


Edward Restrepo 0:15:07

As far as the city, let’s just say three entering autos in a subdivision overnight may not be a big priority for the Gwinnett County Police Department if they’ve been dealing with a robbery and a shooting and whatnot. So for us, that is a big priority.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:22


Edward Restrepo 0:15:23

So today I just literally got a text message from business owner of one of the apartment complexes where there was someone trying to break into the mailboxes. And that was something that we helped out, and we identified a suspect. And so, literally, before we got on podcast here, I got that, sent it to my marshals, and the first thing that he’s going to go do is head over there, get the video talk, go through all those things, start pulling the surveillance, start looking at the flock cameras to see if we can’t develop a suspect.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:49


Edward Restrepo 0:15:49

Because if we don’t stop them, they’re going to continue to do it. Right.

Rico Figliolini 0:15:53

In fact, it was one that just happened before a few weeks ago, I guess.

Edward Restrepo 0:15:57

Yes, that’s correct. Yes. It’s just that time of year. You have people’s taxes, things coming in, gifts, packages. This is tis the season, I guess you could say, for those bad actors. So, yeah, the quicker we’re able to identify that person and put them under arrest and we kind of stop their crime spree.

Rico Figliolini 0:16:18


Edward Restrepo 0:16:19

And so that may not necessarily be a big priority for the Gwinnett County Police Department because they have other things, but for us, we’re able to be more calculated, more purposeful, and is a priority for the city.

Rico Figliolini 0:16:31

Do you, with the city, with companies like flock that does provide the cameras or like fuses that does the crime center in the cloud, do you all also participate or do you foresee yourselves participating in creating solutions to some of the crimes that happen?

Edward Restrepo 0:16:50

Yeah, absolutely. So I’m in the process of finishing up my dissertation on policing technologies, and so I don’t want to take anything more on bigger, but my plan, or my tentative plan is to try to put something together. Now you have a national real time crime center association, but I wanted to kind of do it on a more metro Atlanta because we all look, one of the biggest kind of tragic events that really highlighted not sharing information would have been obviously September 11, right? There was red flags that were up and things that weren’t being shared. And so we’d be foolish not to look at that in this realm where we have all this technology. And one, we could have some criminals committing some violent crimes to cab and then an investigator there knowing that they’re creeping into Gwinnett or Peachtree corners while they’re trying to develop their case. Why not have an experienced set of people stop the car here, find out what they’re doing, see if there’s anything that works into their way into the car, develop evidence and take them out before something else happens.

Rico Figliolini 0:17:59


Edward Restrepo 0:17:59

So the old school way was, I’m going to protect the integrity of my case. I’m not going to tell anybody. And now you violent people running around and you want to kind of keep your fingers crossed, hoping hopefully I’ll be able to build my case and take them out before something happens or utilize this technology to the benefit of where you’re bringing in other law enforcement professionals to help you stop that as soon as you can. Because we could build our case. If we stop a car and we find some stolen property, they go from there. But then there’s all the other things that you can do to place them at the scenes of other crimes. There’s different ways that you could approach cases, and especially those violent ones.

Rico Figliolini 0:18:35


Edward Restrepo 0:18:36

You want to be able to try, you want to build a case, but you also want to take them out as soon as you can, because the next thing could be very tragic.

Rico Figliolini 0:18:43

Not being in police work, I didn’t even think about that. I think I’m fairly knowledgeable in things. I don’t know everything, obviously. That’s why I love doing these podcasts. I get to learn a lot more. I see the other perspective of things. But like anyone else, I mean, I didn’t realize that people assume you arrest someone, they get out on bail. Usually you work in a case on it, but that doesn’t stop them. Right, because it’s a job to them, essentially, they have to make a living. They’re going to commit other crimes because they’re doing a risk reward type set up. What’s my risk? What’s my reward? They’re smart. If they’re not, if they have other issues, then that’s different. So they continue on. How is that? Because I know working between agencies like Atlanta police, maybe Fulton county police, or Sandy Springs, which borders us in a little part of what we do. Roswell, how is that? In John’s creek? That’s another.

Edward Restrepo 0:19:41

In an ideal scenario, we would all be kind of on the same. And I think, you know, fuses is doing a really good job at getting a lot of the different cities and counties on the same board. I will tell you, there was a grant that was provided by Uwasi, which they’re part of, kind of the Atlanta regional. And so where they were giving either the first year or first two years of fuses to all the metro counties.

Rico Figliolini 0:20:11


Edward Restrepo 0:20:11

Because in the event of a large natural disaster, a man made incident or whatever, it may be the case for them to all operate together on the same radio channel, have the same training, a lot of the same equipment, and so they saw that that was vital. There was a lot of blind spots. If everybody has different, separate systems, then we’re not seeing the criminals don’t respect those lines. And so we shouldn’t either. We should be one step ahead of them. It’s vitally important for us to be all on that same sheet of music, and everybody’s going to have different likes of certain equipment, certain technologies. But if the big basis that we’re working off of is when a criminal comes out of Atlanta or South Atlanta and comes up to Peachtree corners, if, let’s say, Dunwoody or Dorville knows that they’re entering auto suspect? Well, they could hotlist that vehicle for us to see, to be able to say, hey, there’s a 03:00 in the morning, and a vehicle that’s known to be tied to entering autos is coming into the city. Well, they’re probably not. There’s not a lot of things open at 03:00 in the morning in the city. So that would probably be a good traffic stop, a good conversation to find out who’s in their car, what they’re doing. They may find some tools, possession tools to commit burglary or entering autos, and we can kind of go from there. You can start with loitering and Crowley and get into the car. They may have warrants. There might be stolen cars. So it’s just a big snowball effect. But we would never know that if we’re not sharing that information.

Rico Figliolini 0:21:43

Right. So is it in an urban environment? This is what Urbanebb is about. Talking about small cities, really, not the largest cities, but small cities like ours, 40,000 to 100,000 people. Police work is one thing, martial work, because you’re only allowed to do certain things because of the nature of what the martial system is now. That may change over the next decade. Who knows, as the city grows, as things happen. But do you find that the parameters that you have to work in, is that a good thing?

Edward Restrepo 0:22:22

No. I think so. I think it allows us, I guess you could say, unfortunately or fortunately, whichever way you want to look at it, when it. County contractually has to respond to all the 911 calls, right. And that could be just a thing where call after call after call comes in. So all they’re being is reactive.

Rico Figliolini 0:22:40


Edward Restrepo 0:22:41

Where we, as the marshals, we get to pick and choose what a priority or what we want to dig our teeth into, right? So if it’s an entering auto issue, if it’s a quality of life issue, if we’ve had a spree of violent crimes here, all three of us could literally go, all right, for the next week or so, this is what we’re concentrating on our efforts on, right. And we can develop those leads. Once we develop a suspect, we can give Gwinnett a call and say, hey, look, this is going good. We’re probably going to need some more assets, some more people. But this is what we’ve gotten up to this point, and then work the rest of it on through and taking out the bad actors.

Rico Figliolini 0:23:17

So, with police work, it’s interesting in what I do sometimes. I get to go to different trade shows. I do marketing for different companies. I’ve been to the international trade show. I’ve been to the toy and amusement industry show. It’s kind of interesting to be able to go to some of those. I have not yet been to the consumer electronics show, but I’m sure that there is a trade show for security, police, city work. There’s an industry out there. Fuses is part of that. So what other technologies are you seeing that an urban center like ours could be using?

Edward Restrepo 0:23:51

Yeah, absolutely. So one of the two things that we’re really moving forward with is obviously the use of drones. That’s going to be very big here in the city, both on the law enforcement side, but also on the civilian side.

Rico Figliolini 0:24:02


Edward Restrepo 0:24:02

With the city being so well known for its being a well renowned, smart city with all the different technologies that they have here, we’re going to carry that on on the drone level, both on the civilian business industry side, but also on the law enforcement side. And part of that, as well as us moving forward with having, I guess, not a real time crime center, because I think a lot of people think, like, it’s going to be monitored all the time. But we will have, and we’ll be in the process of. We’re bidding now, but to build out a center where all the different camera feeds will go into a room eventually. We would like to. Where we would get to no line of sight with the drones.

Rico Figliolini 0:24:44


Edward Restrepo 0:24:44

Like Brookhaven, our neighboring jurisdiction down here, they’re flying drones off the rooftops of buildings and responding to calls.

Rico Figliolini 0:24:52


Edward Restrepo 0:24:52

Giving you that really good situational awareness. And so they’re right down the road. I actually talked to Brian yesterday, and we’re going out to a big drone conference. It’s kind of big international in April. All of us are going to go out there to see, but then we’ve carved out a day where we’re going to meet with Chula Vista Police department, and they’re kind of the big innovators in the drone space and law enforcement. So hopefully, we’ll be able to spend half a day or a day out there and see from where they went conceptually to where they’re known, know they get visitors from all around the world that want to model the program that they got going on over there. So I’m a firm believer there’s no sense to reinvent the wheel. If there’s somebody that’s done it out there, time tested, then it’s probably for you not to commit a lot of errors. You’re better off going to see who’s done it, who’s done it well and kind of borrow things from them.

Rico Figliolini 0:25:45

Right. That makes sense. Sure. With AI being part of what’s out there now, we’re actually through the magazine, through the publication, and in the podcast, we’re going to be talking more about AI in business and how AI works with how different companies in the city of pastry corners, for example, are using AI, whether it’s just to create a bot to do a simple thing, or they’re using it to do sales, or maybe they’re creating their own original use of that. Do you see city police work using AI at some point?

Edward Restrepo 0:26:20

The AI portion, for sure. I think a lot of the things and the cameras we move forward with, we want them to either have AI built into it or if there be AI being able somewhere where that feed is being channeled to incorporate AI. And I’ll give you an example. Let’s say we’re having some overnight burglaries of gas stations because that happens, or of some of the super Mercalos that are in the city and things of that nature. And I say that because it’s happened.

Rico Figliolini 0:26:51


Edward Restrepo 0:26:52

But we could set up an AI on those cameras between, let’s say, midnight to 530 in the morning. Right. And if a vehicle, a person or anybody goes into that geofence that’s on the AI camera, we would get an immediate alert.

Rico Figliolini 0:27:07


Edward Restrepo 0:27:07

And that’s the biggest thing. A lot of the problems that you have with in progress crimes is the alarm goes off, it goes to the call center. The call center holds onto it. Then it goes over to trying to figure out what police department, who they need to call, and that several minutes pass, they’re already in, out on their way, unless the officer just happens to be driving by and sees it and is right on top of it. So that is huge in mind when we’re able to do these geofences and also, like, let’s say town center, right. If we have an AI component, I think you may have learned that we had some issues with people loitering and hanging out on the top deck and doing some things that they shouldn’t be doing. But you could set up a geofence once. You can do it with cars or people, and then time. So if there’s going to be times where people are just going to go to have dinner at one of the restaurants, they’re getting together and they’re going. But you set it up for ten minutes, ten people or more, they start going to that space and you go, probably brewing something bad is about to happen. And then be able to get that live feed. That’s definitely one thing. And then obviously there’s another technology where you can talk through the cameras. Hey, this is such and such with the marshal’s office. I don’t know what you’re up to, but we’re heading that way. And if you have bad intentions, it’s probably best you leave now and then. You’d be surprised how many people get into their cars. They’re watching us. It’s time to go. Right. So all those different things.

Rico Figliolini 0:28:31


Edward Restrepo 0:28:31

So AI is a tremendous tool. It’s just how much time does one have? Problems one wants to tackle? Those are the things. That’s the great thing of all these different crime fighting technologies.

Rico Figliolini 0:28:46

Do you find, Eddie, that when you go, I don’t know if you’re like me a little, when I go to different cities, based on my interest, things will pique my interest. So, I mean, when you go to other cities and visit other places, do you notice what other police force are driving, how they’re handling situations? I’m sure you’re seeing how other security, police security forces handle situations.

Edward Restrepo 0:29:11

Is that helpful?

Rico Figliolini 0:29:12

I mean, do you look at that stuff?

Edward Restrepo 0:29:14

Oh, no, most definitely. I think with part of my dissertation and me just being a life learner and then just wanting to learn more about technologies and things of that nature, I have gone around to numerous cities, I mean, even in the local area. I’ve been to Duluth. Duluth has a very impressive RTCC center there that they monitor. Been to Atlanta, Cobb, Orlando. I’ve been everywhere. Just because I want to kind of get a good feel on what the latest and greatest stuff is out there and what’s working right again. I go back to time tested know. Unfortunately, some people in law know. The shiniest object comes up and they go, oh, this is the greatest thing we’re going to go with. They commit to something and then it doesn’t turn out to be as great as it was. Right to where you could look at a neighboring large agency that goes, you know what? They’ve been doing it, right. They have a lot of cameras. They’ve been able to solve a lot of serious crime, improve quality of life for their residents and visitors. Maybe this is the direction we want to go, or at least give it some really strong consideration, I guess you.

Rico Figliolini 0:30:14

Could say, are there things that we haven’t covered that you’d like to mention?

Edward Restrepo 0:30:19

It’s know to know the opportunity to come here and really showcase the know. I say this to Brian. I say this to know, we want to serve as the ambassadors for technology, because we’re small, we’re able to be agile and nimble.

Rico Figliolini 0:30:39


Edward Restrepo 0:30:39

We don’t have to go through all these huge processes that a big county government has to go through to procure certain things.

Rico Figliolini 0:30:46


Edward Restrepo 0:30:48

We have, I would gather to say, probably the most amount of less lethal options that you could have here in the city. Between the bola wraps, between the burna pepper ball, OC, kinetic ball things, you name it, we want to explore. We have, actually, our training set for the Taser tens, which just are literally coming out.

Rico Figliolini 0:31:13

What are those?

Edward Restrepo 0:31:15

Taser ten. So, for tasers, it’s basically the electronic weapons that you would shoot into someone that has probes that would lock up their neurological system, I guess you could say. So, for the longest time, it’s always been kind of two probes, but with that, if you’re running after somebody, they’re moving around. The probes don’t always hit Taser has done is they’ve kind of through their progression. Now they have a Taser ten. And so the Taser ten is just what the name says. There’s ten probes. And so if I’m running after someone, I could shoot the first probe. You have to at least have two good contact probes. So for some reason, I’m scaling a fence. They’re running, they zig, I’m zagging at the time. Whatever PP, I’m able to shoot enough times until I get a good connection, and then they go down, and then I’m able to affect the arrest. So just those type of things. But, no, there’s just so much stuff that’s out here, and we’ve already hosted other agencies coming over here that have been wanting to try these things out. So that’s always a big thing, right, for them to come to us and be like, hey, can you host this? And, yeah, we’d love to have you come. This is us. Grab the data, kind of put it out there for people, show them the good or the bad, and if it doesn’t work out, then we scrap it and we move on and we look for other stuff. But if it’s good, we keep it in our arsenal and deploy it and make it safe on us, the people that we’re interacting with and all those things.

Rico Figliolini 0:32:40

Yeah, that’s cool. And I would imagine there are companies constantly coming out here, probably pitching, showing the technology, even.

Edward Restrepo 0:32:47

Yeah, no, actually, I have a really good relationship with Chris from Fusys, and so he comes across, he partners with a lot of great agencies. And so that’s kind of the byproduct of them being in the city and me having good relationships with them. When they say, hey, we just met with this company, you may want to give them a try.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:05


Edward Restrepo 0:33:05

And that’s happened on multiple occasions throughout my time as the major and now as the chief marshal here in the city.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:14

Do you see in a city like ours, or even, I mean, it’s happening all over the place, the increase of retail robbery. I think there was one stat that said 30% of robberies, retail robbery. I don’t know if there’s any big solution.

Edward Restrepo 0:33:31

So you touched on something that sometimes can be taboo, which was facial recognition.

Rico Figliolini 0:33:37


Edward Restrepo 0:33:37

And so I will say we’re starting to see the pendulum swing the other way. And I say that in, when you have a state like New York, where you’re from and where, you know, a small portion of my life earlier on is these retail stores just can’t absorb these losses. And so there is a big chain supermarket store up there that has literally put facial recognition in their stores. So when they have an individual that they’ve criminally trespassed or they’ve identified as a person, that person comes back into any of their supermarkets where they’ve been trespassed, an alert goes off, staff comes over there, they call the police. There has to be consequences if there’s not consequences. This is why we’re seeing the problem that we’re seeing, right? And so as long as you have those things in place, and I say, like, who would have thought today that we would be okay with going through a checkpoint and taking our shoes off our belts, our watches, and all that other stuff? But that’s what needed to happen, prevent something, right? So we’re able to, or at least we decide, hey, you know what? I’m willing to do that because there’s a greater cause or safety.

Rico Figliolini 0:34:47


Edward Restrepo 0:34:48

And so kind of the same thing here with facial recognition. And I try to tell people, facial recognition, it’s one of those things that, how do I explain this? No police officer or anybody that would get an alert on facial recognition is going to act on that information alone. It’s just a small portion of a puzzle. Like, let’s say I ran facial recognition and I got hit back and it said, it’s 98%. This is the person. I would never go get a warrant based on a computer telling me that they think that I’m still going to do all my due diligence and doing all the things that my investigation would be my first priority is, okay, if they’re saying that person, where was that person? Was that person, could they have been in the state? Could they have been in the city? Is there car tied to them? Were they working that day? Am I going to go check to see if they were at work at that day? All those things, I’m either going to dispel that or I’m going to prove that they were and you move on. But I think people think that this thing generates potential individual and that we’re just going to go, all right, put them on the list. Let’s get a warrant, let’s get them locked up. That does not happen. And I think that’s where I think a lot of people with facial recognition have been. But if you look at airports, if you look at Border patrol, they’ve been using facial recognition.

Rico Figliolini 0:36:03

Oh, yeah.

Edward Restrepo 0:36:04

You go to another country, you know damn well you’re going through there and they’re going to face recognition. That’s how those people stay.

Rico Figliolini 0:36:13

Those very violent countries for sure, in Europe and Interpol definitely use that because of terrorist activity. And we’re not even talking about profiling anymore. Profiling is a thing of the past to something. But you’re correct. I’ve seen and heard the same thing. It’s a tool, one of many things being used. But I’m glad the city is working towards are. We promote ourselves as a smart city with lots of technology, so this makes sense for us to be doing that. We’ve been talking with Eddie Restrepa, chief marshal for the city of peaceful corners. So I appreciate you being with us. If anyone out there listening has questions, Eddie can be reached through the city’s website. Certainly they can reach. Is there a place particular email or something you want to give?

Edward Restrepo 0:37:04

So do the Marshall’s office. I don’t have it in front of me. But if they just go to the city of Peachtree Corners and they’ll go to the marshall’s office, that’ll take them to two of our vehicles. If they see them out and about, there’s a QR code they can scan and that’ll take directly to our website. When we’re out and about, we’ll have the connect peace Tree Corners banners readily available. All those things. Again, we really want to heavily promote that. It’s one of those things where help those that are helping you.

Rico Figliolini 0:37:33


Edward Restrepo 0:37:33

We as the marshals and the police, the more eyes we could have out there. And it’s just simple, right. If you have a camera that you’re willing to share with us and hopefully that could be the difference between us solving and preventing crime. Why wouldn’t you want to be involved? I think anybody with a good heart and wants good things for their community would want to be able to provide those things to the crime fighter so we can keep you as safe as possible.

Rico Figliolini 0:37:56

I mean, it’s interesting. The ring camera, I have that too. And if you’re part of that community, you get dinged every once in a while about besides lost pets. It’s a bit of like, did you see these guys? They’ve been like in my driveway checking the locks on my doors or the door handles. So things are happening out.

Edward Restrepo 0:38:15

Know as we get the website and we get a little bit more active on social media, which you’ll see that I’m working with Lewis, our communications director, to kind of really put together what we’ve been doing behind the scenes and moving that forward. We’ll be able to be putting more of that information out through, you know, when we have those instances where, like you said, a series of entering autos, we could put that to the community. Hey, can you help us identify these people? Or, hey, we’ve had a spree in this area. Lock up your valuables. Be a little bit more vigilant in those areas. Contact any suspicious activity. All those good things.

Rico Figliolini 0:38:48

Cool. Well, thank you, Eddie. I appreciate you being on. Hang in there with me for a minute as we sign off. Appreciate everyone listening to this new podcast, UrbanEbb with our guest here, Eddie Restrepo, chief marshal at City of Peachtree Corners. Any questions, put in the comments below. Whether you’re watching on YouTube or on Facebook, we’d love to hear from you. Thank you all.

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