Peachtree Corner’s MAGISNAT Announced New Patents and Wellness Tests They Say Will Open the Black Box of Our Cellular Health
With the Georgia State Capitol as a backdrop, Magisnat announced significant research and patent milestones for its biotech company centered around personalized wellness. For more than 15 years, MAGISNAT has collaborated with university researchers across the U.S. and Italy in OMICS-based research, analyzing how our bodies operate on a molecular level.
This research helped create science-based wellness tests, which allow individuals to see how their unique genetics interact with diet and lifestyle choices. It has also helped to develop nutritional supplements based on micronutrients from the Mediterranean diet.
Pushing Functional and Integrative Medicine to the Next Level
Founder Dr. Matteo Bertelli, M.D., Ph.D., says the MAGISNAT OMICS “Machine” patent is a robust research engine that tracks cellular activity and pathways throughout the body.
“Our OMICS tests give individuals an unprecedented look at what is happening inside their bodies. They will be able to open the black box of molecular health and receive recommendations about diet, physical activity and supplementation that can treat current nutritional deficiencies and identify potential future deficiencies based on DNA markers,” said Bertelli.
“Individuals can also test and monitor how changes are moving them toward better health outcomes and wellbeing and adjust their plan, if necessary,” he added.

Local, County and State Officials Attend the Capitol Press Conference
MAGISNAT is a U.S. subsidiary of Italy-based The Magi Group. The company chose Peachtree Corners as its U.S. hub as part of an effort facilitated by the Georgia Governor’s office, Partnership Gwinnett, Atlanta Tech Park, and the Italian Embassy.
“We appreciate the pro-business environment in the U.S., particularly in Georgia, and appreciate the support from local and state organizations,” said Bertelli.
Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce Chair Nick Masino says life science companies like MAGISNAT are one of the top five target industries in the county’s economic strategy.
“Life science companies create beneficial and high-paying innovative jobs of the future. One of the perks for companies choosing Gwinnett County is our public school system, which leads the nation in STEM school development,” said Masino.
Deven Cason, Vice President of Economic Development at Partnership Gwinnett, said the county recruits domestic and international companies to locate their corporate headquarters or U.S. hub in Gwinnett County.
“We have a pipeline of talent we bring to the table to help companies like MAGISNAT. The secret to our success is our strategic partnerships with organizations across the state including the Governor’s Department of Economic Development, the Metro Atlanta Chamber, local cities and educational institutions. It’s a team effort to ensure companies have the resources they need to succeed,” said Cason.

MAGISNAT unveils patents at Atlanta Tech Park
MAGISNAT also outlined details of their latest scientific discoveries and patents at an event at Atlanta Tech Park in Peachtree Corners.
MAGISNAT Deputy President Kevin Donato said that if you open a medical textbook, you will find virtually no words about self-healing.
“The body has a powerful ability to heal itself. With knowledge about how their bodies function, individuals can focus on preventing noncommunicable diseases. The tests we have designed are advancing wellness through science and putting detailed knowledge in the hands of individuals about how their bodies operate,” said Donato.
New Patents Signal Breakthroughs in Personalized Wellness
Bertelli, Donato and the MAGISNAT team outlined the patents they say are poised to empower individuals to fight non-communicable diseases, including:
• The OMICS Machine, where multi-OMICS data is used to build a map of major molecular pathways in the human body, leading to personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations.
• A key genetic factor identified in Lipedema susceptibility and two patent-pending treatments designed to help prevent the onset of Lipedema and treat existing Lipedema inflammation.
• A breakthrough in appetite regulation by identifying amino acids that can be used to modulate appetite in eating disorders.
• A patented gel composition that can prevent and treat Oral Mucositis. The gel contains a beneficial bacterium found in the oral cavity in early life. This treatment could help patients who receive radiation near the jaw and mouth from experiencing severe side effects to their teeth.

The Bottom Line
MAGISNAT’s Dr. Pietro Chiurazzi, M.D., Ph.D., says the company’s philosophy is to provide a way for individuals to get to know their unique genetic makeup.
“The knowledge you gain from the genetic and metabolic tests will direct what you can do to adapt your diet and lifestyle to improve your well-being,” said Chiurazzi.
What is OMICS Science?
In short, the MAGISNAT OMICS research model uses genomics, metabolomics, proteomics and other OMICS sciences to better understand how the body operates, especially how the body fights damage on a cellular level that may lead to non-communicable diseases like cancer, heart disease, eating disorders, and other diseases.
Photos by Tracey Rice