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Three kids playing outside on green grass. Two are holding the ends of a long jump rope, the third is in the middle, jumping up. Three kids playing outside on green grass. Two are holding the ends of a long jump rope, the third is in the middle, jumping up.

Around Atlanta

We may still be in the middle of winter, but it’s not too early to start dreaming of spring and making camp plans for...

Poster for the Desert Elephants IMAX film, showing a large elephant with an elephant calf with desert landscape, scrubby trees and blue sky overhead Poster for the Desert Elephants IMAX film, showing a large elephant with an elephant calf with desert landscape, scrubby trees and blue sky overhead

Around Atlanta

Discover how, in one of the driest deserts on earth, life finds a way to thrive in “Desert Elephants,” opening January 18 Through incredible...

Purple light display in an outdoor, wooded setting at night Purple light display in an outdoor, wooded setting at night

Around Atlanta

Returning for an exciting third season of after-hours adventure, the outdoor experience is set to open on November 8. Fernbank Museum’s acclaimed WildWoods: AGLOW...

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