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Small group of people gathered for a rooftop event Small group of people gathered for a rooftop event


About eight years ago, Gwinnett County’s economic engine for tourism went through a rebranding. The Gwinnett Convention and Visitors Bureau (GCVB) became Explore Gwinnett,...

Young, blonde-haired woman smiling and standing in front of a pink and blue mural Young, blonde-haired woman smiling and standing in front of a pink and blue mural

City of Norcross

Before moving to Norcross, Callie Chewning Murray founded a successful company, gaining national publicity and television appearances. Since then, she has continued to build...

City of Duluth

Selfie takers in downtown Duluth no longer have to settle for outstretched arm shots or people squeezed into frame for group photos. With the...

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